
Here is the city illustration based on the descriptions you've shared. It showcases the contrast between the prosperous, beautiful side and the industrial, harder-working side of the city. Let me know if you'd like any adjustments or further details added!


Këtu është ilustrimi i qytetit bazuar në përshkrimet që keni ndarë. Ai tregon kontrastin midis anës së begatë, të bukur dhe anës industriale, më punëtore të qytetit. Më njoftoni nëse dëshironi të shtohet ndonjë rregullim ose detaje të mëtejshme!

(5000 karakter kaldı)


a i, advanced..., amazing., attirbuted, begin first, beverage, breaches, bussinesman, cancellatıon, cancellatıons, co-operation, communıcation, constructıon, contactınformation, contactinformation, deductıons, deeds, desıred, dılemma, dıstrıct, dişmis, doing, đ, englısh, englishman, escalated, exception, executıon, export edit, filiform, fine,thanks,, fine,thanks,andyou?, firstly,peel, forward., goodfriend, gudnight, helpingpeople, humanvoice, ı,d, ıguana, ıha, ılizyonist, ımpossible!, ıncontinence, ınductance, ınhumans, ınnerglow, ınr, ıntera, ınterıor, ıntraoral, ınvoluntary, ırds, iazy, icliebedick, icnt, idadisi, ideal, ideentities, idinahu, idions, idiost, idivorsed, ifel, iguana, ikbebet, ilkeler, ilknur, illummation, iltimate, imagine.notice, imitasyon, immigrade, imparative, impard, imsomnia, inac, inact, inacti, inactiva, inceredibe, inceredible, incgreidents, incomplate, incorrec, incredibles, incredipl, inddor, indefinetly, indicadet, indinferet, individval, inects, ineger, infiltratif, infoney, ingiluzce, ingition, ingreds, ingsos, inhaları, iniured, injuirıes, injuiry, injuret, inofication, inovum, insiborduane, inslayt, instago, instaliz, instalize, instaunfollowers, intelligenet, intellignet, intelliogent, interacial, interasted, interasting, interenting, intervicw, intervie, intesar, intevigent, intivitive, intvigent, invactor, invadars, invaled, invantation, inveders, invie, inviled, invoders, iprovisation, iptalsiz, irsecure, isida, isitgoing, isolatd, ispik, istagram, isterview, isveçli, işdemısın, işgüvenliği, işler,, işler,ayna, işler,ayna,, işler,ayna,çal,ça, işler,ayna,çal,çal,, işler,ayna,çal,çal,o, işləmiş, italy, ivining, jock, kindheartedness, lıstıng, lısting, loopset, lose imparatives, lowerıng, manufact, markıt, names, non-refundable., noun, operate, optional), participant, peed, people,man,individuals, people., quotion, requirments, sa-i, sılk-wool, silk-wool, skeleton,terrifying,thrilling, slım, spaın, spain, spaines, statıon, step.down, substıtutıon, thin,weak, tobet, towell, twins., underutilization, unemployement, urinate, well-bu, wrench, wwıı, yl

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